Thursday 20 September 2018

Eco friendly celebrations

Tradition of manjal kumkum and thamboolam on occasions.

I am sharing my thoughts and ways I have learnt to celebrate festivals. The eco friendly way.
Festivals are for meeting friends, family and relatives.  Celebrating womanhood is one aspect of offering haldi kumkum during navrathri and other celebrations at our homes.

For the past few years I've started buying in bulk dry haldi pieces, beetle nut pieces from local vendors. This thought dawned to me when I started thinking about the amount of things we get in small packets. Do you think they are of any good quality? Most of them may cause allergy to us. So why not help nature by getting the products as it is in its true form?

The custom of giving bangles and blouse pieces have gone, we neither use the bangles nor stitch blouse out of clothes. Right? Then why give it at all instead we can give reusable cloth bags, jute bags which at least of use to people who come for haldi kumkum. Think about it logically.

Giving prasadam in leaf cups/donnai is another option. Avoid those small convenient zip lock plastic covers.

Points to ponder

1. Use leaf cups/donnai for prasadam,please avoid plastic covers.

2.Use whole dried haldi/manjal and pakku/betel nuts.

2(a) Please offer manjal/kumkum in traditional way in small cups as you welcome your guests. Its the most heartwarming gesture.

3. Give eco friendly things like clay diyas, jute bags, cloth purse, tulsi plants, vegetable seeds. Please give it a try.

4. Please avoid giving tamboolam in plastic covers, please use jute bags/tamboolam bags made out of coir or other materials.

5. Please remember you are part of the big universe, its your responsibility to keep her healthy and you too can do your bit by doing what is needed. A small step in environment protection for your children and mine. Save mother earth, celebrate womanhood the eco friendly way.  Happy Navaratri to all gorgeous woman in our group.

Please share your thoughts and let's learn to find out solutions thus less things goes to landfills and we too feel happy that we are doing our bit to save nature. Don't you think so?

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