Tuesday 12 February 2019

Roasted peanuts (Time pass verkadalai)

Roasted peanuts

One of my favourite snack. It's something which I prefer on a chilly winter evening or on a rainy day.
2 cut Fresh raw peanuts
1 tsp Gingly oil
A little salt
* Use fresh peanuts.
* Roast in low flame for better crunchiness.
* In a heated pan add peanuts, roast it in low flame, tossing now and then.
*Add gingly oil and salt, roast peanuts till they are crunchy and the peanuts should crack. Showing the white part of it.
* Off stove and let it cool. I love to peel off and eat. If you want you can peel off and store in airtight containers.
* I have glass jars,so prefer to store in them.
It's called time pass verkadalai(peanuts)

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