I like ripe and juicy papaya. I like to make salad and curry out of raw papaya. Papaya is a very nutritious and tasty fruit and at the same time its a good vegetable too, when its raw. Today I am sharing with my readers ripe and half ripened papaya jam. Sounds interesting!
This recipe is originally shared by my friend Reeja Shanty. These papaya's are garden fresh and recipe and photographs shared by Reeja for my readers. Thank you Reeja.
Papaya Jam
Ingredients - 3 papaya
sugar/powder jaggery - 4 tsp
lime juice - 3 to 4 table spoon
For better flavour (Optional)
Roast and coarsely powdered
cinnamon, clove and elachi - 1/2 tsp
Select three papayas one fully ripe and two half ripe. Wash, peel and deseed. Cut into big cubes.

Use a blender to finely chop.
Now add four teaspoon sugar and keep in low flame without adding water. Allow the papaya to cook in its own juice.Cook for 20 to 30 minutes keep stirring the fruit and smash it in between for even cooking.
Once the papaya is cooked allow the jam to cool down. Add juice from three juicy lemon. About 3 to 4 table spoon. This is the only preservative used in this jam.
Chef's tip:
1. Instead of sugar you can use powdered jaggery.
2. If you like you can add little spices like roasted and coarsely powdered cinnamon, clove and one elachi for better flavour. Keep in air tight jars. Use it as a side dish with poori, roti or bread.
Very easy and simple way of making papaya jam. Thanks Jayanti.