Wednesday 29 January 2020

A simple process to grow microgreens at home

How to Grow Microgreens in the comforts of your well ventilated kitchen 

Harvest from seed in a few weeks time. 

A grow light is very helpful , your microgreens will grow faster. I don't keep the microgreens container in direct sunlight but if you have windowsill you can place it. My kitchen get good amount of natural sunshine and the temperature is quite right. 

Microgreens are tiny, delicate, greens that  add texture, flavour, colour to a number of dishes as a garnish or as an ingredient. 

All you need is  a shallow container, a sunny windowsill, some potting mix, a handful of seeds, that's all you need  for growing your own microgreens. 

This is Ragi microgreens growing in a sieve. 

Mixed lentils sprouts and methi sprouts 

Let's understand what are microgreens?

Microgreens are known as vegetable confetti, they are not sprouts, some get confused with microgreens and sprouts

While sprouts are the germinated seeds that are usually eaten root, seed and shoot. Like we have moong dal, methi, chana, lobia. 

Methi sprouts 

While microgreens are a variety of edible immature greens, which are harvested with knife or  scissors less than a month after germination. 

When  the plants are up to 2 to 3 inches tall. We use the stem, cotyledons that is the seed leaves, then the first set of those tiny green leaves which are edible. The are delicious looks beautiful in any dish. 

Seeds which work best in our kitchen? 

Methi, mustard, ragi, moong dal, you can select other seeds too, but these are the seeds for beginners. 

If you have a balcony garden, under shade you can try growing in the outdoors. Make sure they are kept in the shade and not exposed to strong direct sunlight. 

For those of us who have plenty of sunlight in the kitchen, like I get natural light in my kitchen, where I can grow microgreens near the sunny windowsill, in a small clean container. I use sieve, small cardboard containers, mud pots etc to grow them. But make sure you make tiny holes for excess water to drain. 

Step by step procedure 

If you are trying to grow in potting mix or soil, try this method 

In the bottom of the container cover an inch or two of moistened potting soil or mix, don't compress the soil, leave it for air to flow.  Gently spread the seeds evenly on top of the soil. Press  the seeds gently into the soil using your hand. 

Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Leave the container allow the seeds to start sprouted. 
It will take three to seven days for the sprouts to appear. Once or twice a day mist the soil, moist but don't make it wet. 

Once you notice the seeds have sprouted, and continue to mist once or twice a day.


1. Microgreens  usually need about three four hours daily of direct sunlight to grow, or you can leave them to grow near windowsill. 

2. In the winter months, some may need even more. 

3 Very light, pale greens are a sign of not getting enough sunlight. 

4. A grow light is useful if you don't have enough sunshine. 


  1. Thanks a lot Jayanthi for these details for absolute beginners like me.

  2. Great tips Jayanthi! If you want to explore another method (without soil) to grow Microgreens at home, check out
