Saturday 29 October 2016

Kaju, Badam and rolled oats burfi

Wishing all my readers A very happy Diwali .  Today I tried a new version of Kaju burfi.  I have added a few new ingredients to the original recipe .  The results are good .

Kaju, Badam and rolled oats burfi


Whole Kaju - 1 cup ( make sure the Kaju is in room temperature . Coarsely powder it in mixer)

Badam  - 1 cup (soak in hot  water , peel and grind in mixer. If needed add a little milk and make a coarse paste)

Rolled oats - 1/2 cup

Crushed cardamom - a little

Milk - 2 tbsp

Condensed Milk - 1 tin

Sugar  - 1 cup

Ghee - 2 tbsp

Method of preparation

* Make coarse powder or paste out of Kaju,  Badam and  rolled oats. Keep it ready.
* crush cardamom.

In a non stick large pan add sugar and a little water .  Melt it to one string pakam. Now  add each ingredient while stirring continuously .  Make sure no lumps are formed .  Since I added a little milk to  Kaju and  badam and made coarse paste no lumps were formed .  Add powdered rolled oats to the mixture .  Cook it in low flame as the Kaju and badam  thickness there is chance of getting burnt if not stirred continuously . Once the mixture is mixed well add condensed milk.  Keep stirring. Add cardamom for the delicious flavour.  Slowly add a little Ghee and stir continuously till the burfi oozes out the Ghee.  By now burfi will be leaving the sides of pan.  Grease two plates with little Ghee and  spread the burfi evenly.  Let it cool and come to room temperature .  Cut into desired shape.  Enjoy the healthy sweet with family and friends .  Happy Diwali to all of you .

Thursday 6 October 2016

White peas sundal(Thenga Manga Pattani sundal)

It's Navrathri time. Festival of dolls or Bommai Golu.  It's an auspicious occasion in Brahmin households to arrange dolls depicting mythological stories from epic Ramayana and Mahabharata. Each day of the festival we make different prasadam to goddesses Durga.  Today I made a  simple sundal with white peas.

Thenga Manga Pattani Sundal

White peas - 250grams (soak for 5 hours and cook it for one whistle)
Coconut pieces a few cut into thin slices.
Mango pieces a few cut into thin slices.
For tadka
Oil one tsp
Mustard 1/4 tsp
Urad dhal 1/2 tsp
Channa dhal 1/2 tsp
Green chilli two cut into small pieces.
Ginger a small piece.

Method of preparation

Wash and soak white peas for 5 hours and pressure cook it for one whistle  with little haldi and salt.  Drain excess water keep aside. Chop coconut, mango, ginger and chilli into fine thin pieces.  Keep aside.  In a heated pan add oil,  mustard, urad and channa dhal.  Let the mustard crackle. Now add cooked white peas.  Mix well. Off the stove.  Add chopped coconut, mango, ginger and  green chilli.  Toss it.  Adjust salt.  Offer this delicious sundal as offering to God and serve it in leaf cups (donnai) as prasadam for Navrathri haldi kumkum.